Friday, January 22, 2010

Slacking off...

Gosh, i've been going through a tough first week... with waking up late... maybe due to excessive mapling... yes, i've came back playing maple again... all because of the new class called Aran...
anyway, my room's been a mess since the 2nd day i'm back... need to clean up... that's in my list... my basil leaves are spoilt... dang... moisture in my room killed it... hair dropping in my room due to my loss of hair(Hope i don't get bald soon)... well, basically that's why my room's in a mess... anyway, gotta clean up soon... maybe tonight or tomorrow
i don't know... so, that's all for it... and woops, my chair's broken... so my monitor, keyboard and mouse is stuck on the ground... seems so weird when my speakers' up on the table... and a total lazy weekend for me this week... gosh... it's going to be the 2nd week soon... oh well, 2nd week's where i start getting serious in my work... good luck, schmuck....

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Chaos. The world is indeed in a state of chaos. A world with no laws, no boundaries. That is chaos. With the excuse of freedom of expression, worse things keep popping up every year. From extreme pornography to violence. The numbers just won't stop. The world is coming to an end. Chaos will rule the world. Or so it seems that we have already lost all hope. But, hope is always there. Order can be restored. The idea of a world without boundaries, the freedom of expression. These are devils in disguise. What the world really need now is a limit of the freedom of expression. We must start to come back to our senses... too much freedom is always bad... we can do whatever we want... we can kill, we can rape, we can torch someone's house... anything...

To me, that is chaos... the freedom of expression without limit... that's what's happening around the world. Too much freedom... Freedom with a limit. That's all the world needs... a limit...

Down with eroge and hentai games!!!

A world without boundaries... No laws, no regulations... This seems an ideal world to some...
However, when you come back and have a look at it... It's a chaotic world... Everyone is not at peace... That's why, we have laws to maintain order...

However, in this case, chaos is widespread... Freedom of expression. That is their excuse...
Freedom of expression does not mean that you are allowed to express whatever you want without and boundaries... We are at a stage where freedom of expression removes the boundaries of the laws... Nations rise and nations fall... That's how dangerous this thing is... Iran, Iraq, China... These are the nations being threatened by the freedom of expression... Yes, we can have the freedom to express all our feelings... However, as usual... too much is not good... That's when chaos happens...

Another clear example of too much of freedom of expression would be in games. Nowadays, games get more and more violent. Some might have too much sexual content. Take for example, adult based games such as eroge which are pornographic games. Despite the extent of their pornographic content, they still go on sale... However, the time when you have to draw the line of tolerance comes. A particular game, called Rapelay (I know, I've mentioned this game in my previous post. However, it's controversial...and suit this post) came to stores. A game which promotes sexual violence. Think again, why do we allow this to happen? The game itself was banned in the United States for too much violent content. A non-governmental organization called Equality Now has raised complaints against to the Japanese government regarding such product. However, due to this, fans of eroge were outraged. But come to think of it... Does anyone here think that women don't have rights?

Well, after reading this you might find out why. People have adopted their virtual world into the real world. The extreme pornographic theme found in eroges are beyond anyway one can mention. This was actually a bad influence in the society today. However, with more of these people supporting the freedom of expression, the world will fall into chaos. That's why censorship was introduced to prevent more of these from happening. However, come to think of it, a large number of people are against bans on extreme pornography in the form of eroge and hentai... Well, this is how the world will fall into chaos... God bless us all...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


The Controversial Game: RapeLay involves, stalking and raping women...

Okay, sorry for not posting for the past couple months... and Yeah, i'm finally back...
Anyway, of all the reasons, I'm searching for something to blog about, I've been through one of the freakiest nonsense website... not naming it...
Anyway, I came across an article which is talking about violence against women... everyone worldwide knows that this is a serious issue itself... Of course, I myself am against violence against women too... However, when we come back to have a look at it... Some fans of pornographic games especially those from Japan were not against it... Take for example, the controversial game RapeLay. When a group tried to ban all games involving sexual violence, they were badly attacked by the fans of such games...

Then, I ask this question to everyone... Would it be better that it should be banned? Or not? I say... BAN! why one earth would anyone agree to sexual violence isn't that true? Well, one things for sure... Urging to Otakus worldwide... "GET A LIFE!" I mean, come on... Indulging yourselves to the extent that you forget everything around you? I almost did... And someone saved me from it... thank goodness... Anyway, the question is... If you're into such games which promotes sexual violence... or any form of violence at all... Let's say Grand Theft Auto...Why was GTA criticized badly yet very few defended it? And why on earth are these people defending such games?

Recap: this idea... of making more pornographic games... is it rational? I mean, the more people get exposed to it, the more they turn perverse... isn't pornography enough already? Why are we still going to the next step? Honestly speaking... I do think most pornographic game should be banned as well...