Humans are creatures that are unique from other creatures on this planet...
We are the only creatures with a complex brain allowing us to have more emotions and thinking power...
But we are always clouded by hatred...
The reason for our hatred is because of the differences between humans...
If we can actually settle our differences...
We would actually find a reason to not hate...
Hatred had already corrupted this world...
We kill each other, make each one of our lives even more miserable...
We can't find a common place where we can stand together...
It's all because of hatred...
But if we actually settle our differences, look at each other...
We'll find out that we're not actually that different after all...
We're all the same...
Humans are humans...
there is no point of killing, jealousy and all evil thoughts...
Evil originates from hatred...
Hatred leads to our problems we have in our society today...
Racism, murder, war...
all these things...
come from the same root...
it's all hatred...
hello, drop by to say hi..
ReplyDeletenow only i know you got blog..
nice article u have..
yet it is you who spreads hatred so much.
ReplyDeletewho was it that says someone in class is an asshole and so on? who is the one that says which movie sucks and is a complete rip off?
all these are forms of spreading hate. for you to have realized its power, how is it you don't realize you spread the most among people you mix with?