Saturday, May 16, 2009

my introvert test results...

Your result for The Introvert/Extrovert Test...

Introvert Extrovert

Congratulations! You scored ###!

You're a quiet person, but not too quiet. You like your own company at times, but don't mind the company of others. Ideally, a few people is better than a lot in most situations. You'd be well suited to living in a small town and can easily handle living on your own.

You know how to have a good time, but also know how to enjoy a good book. While a night on the town can be enjoyed, you don't like to go out all the time. One can get too much of a good thing.

You can be irritated by extroverts sometimes. Especially if they talk a lot about non-consequential things or other people. You can sometimes be misunderstood for being grumpy and some extroverts find you a little aloof.

You're probably relatively happy in who you are although something can always be improved upon.

Take The Introvert/Extrovert Test
at HelloQuizzy

1 comment:

  1. lol...
    i didnt expect u to post this...
    well mine is almost the same..
